Our Carriages
Design your individual event
We are offering just the right carriage for every occasion. Besides our self-made wagons, providing places for groups of up to 10 people, we are proud to own 4 antique carriages, a Landau, a Victoria, a Break and a Hunting Carriage.
The noble one
The Landau
In the 18th and 19th century, the Landau was the vehicle of royal and aristocratic families as well as of clerical dignitaries and political leaders. Our Landau was built in 1872. The Landau is a four-wheeled and four-seated carriage with a folding top often divided into two sections. With the divided top, the carriage easily converts from an open to a fully closed carriage.
You are free to decide if the Landau should be drawn by 2 or even 4 horses.

The Landau
The elegant one
The Victoria
The Victoria is a light vehicle of the same age as the Landau. It dates back to the English cartwright Cooper, who, in 1869, on the occasion of the entry of England’s Queen and the Prince of Wales, created this type of carriage. The Victoria was being used for beautiful leisure rides. Our Victoria was built in 1904. It was restored to its original state and can be ridden open or closed.
The Victoria is drawn by 2 horses.

The Victoria
The rural one
The Break
In the 19th century, the Break was the Sunday vehicle of the middle class. Originally, the Break was a heavy and high carriage, similar to the Wagonette but often without dashboard for breaking young horses. Today, this carriage is preferably used for special events.
The Break is drawn by 1 or 2 horses.

The Break
The nice one
The Hunting Carriage
An elegant, manorial sports vehicle, in the past driven by the Lord himself. When stopping or the Lord wanting to go away from the horse carriage, the coachman and the groom had to take care of the horses. The Hunting carriage was used for rides, at the races (as a private stage) or on hunting. Attached to the vehicle’s rear is a spacious box for the transport of hunted game. Our Hunting Carriage has a basket instead of a box.
The Hunting Carriage is drawn by 2 horses.

The Hunting Carriage
The cosy one
The Wagon
Historically, covered wagons played a very important role in the development and the settlement of the American West – who was able to afford it, often transported baggage and family over long distances across rough terrain by means of covered wagons. Our wagons are quite similar to the old covered wagons. On the longitudinal sides of the wagon, long benches are arranged. The wagons are of different size. Small wagons for 6 to 7 people and large wagons for 10 to 11 people.
All wagons are made by Ernst and Ueli Reichenbach.

The Wagon
Our Sleighs
Get on and enjoy
Get on and enjoy a horse sleigh ride on skids. We are offering a unique experience. Take a break and enjoy the wonderful calm snow-covered Lauenen valley drawn by 2 horses. Only the jingling of bells interrupts the blissful silence.
The romantic one
Our sleighs are designed and made entirely by Ueli Reichenbach and his father Ernst. The making of a sleigh lasts about half a year. Our sleighs provide places for 6 to 9 people. Genuine sheepskins ensure, that you do not get cold en route.
